I just KNOW I can move that apple with my mind…I JUST KNOW IT! ehrrrr!

So, I find it fumy that I want to write about this because, well, I feel a bit… embarrassed haha.

Something I have never told anyone before is the fact that sometimes, in the midst of the weird things that my mind seeps into when it’s not thinking of anything in particular, usually in boredom, I try real hard to develop my mind-reading and telekinetic skills.


Laugh. It’s ok. Part of that chuckle is probably because you have caught yourself thinking something similar at some point in your life post-adolescently. No but really, if I am sitting with nothing to do at all, and there would be a plastic bottle on my desk, and it’s really quiet, maybe even a bit warm in my room (which for some reason, makes it easier for me to get bored), I would stare at the bottle and think “Hmm, if everything in the world has mass, then, a thought has some sort of mass in your braind,” (it’s true, microscopic electrical currents are the messengers of your minds processes, or something along those lines) “So, maybe I can think really hard about moving that bottle and it might move.” I would then proceed to distort my face in whatever I feel it would shape into when one puts forth effort into a thought (though I don’t ever feel what I think “Professor X” feels when he moves shit with his mind, because he gets tired physically. So I think I am doing it wrong)  Well, as I stare at the bottle in the same position it has been since I placed it there with my hands, I just stop and pass off the idea as nonsense. Although I just realized, I never actually dismiss it as something impossible, but more of, a sort of incapableness on my part hahahaha.

Well, if you have known me recently, you’d know I pride myself in having a great nutritional diet. Part of it has to do with the fact that it’s the only realistic way I think I can develop powers hahahaha. Carrots, for example, are great for your eyes. ” Aha! I want to have the sharp vision of an eagle so I am going to gorge on carrots!” lmao.  I don’t gorge on carrots, but I eat carrots for various reasons ( I eat raw carrots because Bigs Bunny is cool), but one of those reasons is the fact that I actually feel I am bettering my eyesight. Can I note a difference in my eyes? Eh, I guess so. Either that or I am fooling myself into thinking I see better hahahhaa.

Note: I am laughing along the way because, again, it’s the first time I actually explore these thoughts or even write it down on something. It’s funny to me, and it makes me feel bashful haha. You should see me in real life. I can’t get rid of this sheepish smile.

Anyways, you know what? I wouldn’t have it any other way. I may not be able to move bottles with my mind, yet, or know what song is going to come up next on my shuffled play list (though I have scared myself with strings of lucky guesses), but isn’t it wonderful to think you are capable of being greater and better than you currently are? And actively trying to achieve the best you you can possibly create? Isn’t that what we are supposed to achieve in life? I don’t want to settle for whatever it is I am. I want to be able to surprise myself in my capabilities. Or better yet, not surprise, but to know that if I keep up good practices with myself, I know I will be smarter, faster, stronger. Hopefully, one day, I will be someone one person can look up to, and be a catalyst for the change they will overcome all on their own for the better.

Well, whoever reads this. Have you ever had any similar experiences or thoughts? What powers do you wish to develop most!?

I always say this to my brothers “Every day you wake up, try to make it a day where you will be better than you were yesterday, in any way possible.” I stand by it.


One response to “I just KNOW I can move that apple with my mind…I JUST KNOW IT! ehrrrr!

  1. Haha. Ok. So two things:

    1. When I was a kid, I watched the tv movie of Witch Mountain. In one of the commercial breaks, Eisener opens the door with his mind. Ever since then, when I stare at an open door, I try to close it with my mind.

    2. When I was a kid, I ate carrots ALL the time. Ask my mommy. It was all I ate. If they’re good for my eyes, why do they suck?! I’m blind without glasses/contacts. 😦

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