Tag Archives: Superhero

And so a new birth occurred from it’s ashes…a very little amount of ashes >_>

So, over the past few days, I have been debating whether to just close this blog or not. I gave it 2 good posts and I felt, ugh…I don’t want to go out and find things online to talk about. I instantly realized that I was looking at it like a job! which defeats the “pleasure” purpose of even doing this. Soo, I decided, I am going to write about whatever I want to write about.

Point of blogging, isn’t it? Well, I didn’t look at it that way at first. I wanted to measure up to the better blogs and not make people disinterested in what I have to say. I mean, how else am I going to get tons of people to visit my blog? Wait…”better blogs?”

Why are the other blogs “Better?” What constitutes as a better blog? Is it the amount of subscribers they have? The length of its existence? How many pictures or comments can be found? I realized it’s all subjective, and I was guilty of making a matter of opinion an objective observation and creating a sort of superficial goal. So, despite only having 2 recent posts, I am pleased to announce that this paper will be taking a new direction!

I know, haha, sounds ridiculous right? Well, whatever it may be, it feels right, and I think I’ll be providing so much more content, more personal, more interesting, just..more! than I would have ever done trying to live up to the success of others.

So….do you ever secretly think that maybe, just maybe, if you tried real hard, you can develop powers? Of course not…you are an adult, you have no time for childish ideas….right…